At Tiller Money, we’re curious how COVID-19 is impacting your financial life. We created an informal poll to see how our community is feeling.
This is not a scientific or market research poll. It’s simply intended to get our community pulse. No personal information is requested, and the poll is anonymous.
When it comes to thinking about your financial life, has the COVID-19 outbreak made you:
- Feel more conservative about using your money
- Feel less conservative about using your money
- No change to how you feel about using your money
0 voters
Because of COVID-19, have you had to:
- Spend more money
- Spend less money
- No change
0 voters
Has the COVID-19 outbreak made you rethink your investing strategy?
- Yes
- No
- Does not apply to me
0 voters
Has the COVID-19 outbreak made you rethink your saving strategy?
- Yes
- No
- Does not apply to me
0 voters
Has the COVID-19 outbreak made you rethink how you track your financial life?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Has the coronavirus outbreak inspired you to look for new tools for tracking your financial life?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Do you feel prepared for an economic downturn of up to eighteen months?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Have concerns about the impact of COVID-19 inspired you to contact your financial advisor?
- I have a financial advisor and HAVE contacted them because of COVID-19 concerns.
- No - I have a financial advisor but have NOT contacted them because of COVID-19 concerns.
- I do not have a financial advisor.
0 voters