Supporting Our Customers and Employees on the Road Ahead

Today we’re all sharing a collectively uncertain moment.

We’re living through a trifecta of major challenges: a viral pandemic, a business and financial shutdown, and the loss of our established social systems and routines.

We are seeing the financial impact in our communities, and also globally. China, Italy, South Korea, the United States… everywhere.

Our customers tell us they rely on Tiller Money for financial preparedness and control. We hear them, and we know our work is more important than ever.

Here’s what we’re doing right now:

  • We’ve added more customer support: we’ve increased our customer success hours this month and we’ve added a weekly webinar (up from monthly).

  • For those who are new to Tiller Money and still in their trial, we’re extending those free trials for anyone who needs more time. Just ping us in support.

  • Our team has support to work flexible schedules to manage increased family and childcare obligations. With kids at home, many of us are being a little more creative with our work routines. I started my day at 5 am knowing I’ll be with our kids for a stretch mid-day.

  • It helps that Tiller Money has always been a distributed team. We already use Slack, Zoom, and virtual standups to communicate, plan, and collaborate. We are prepared to work around the disruptions.

  • We’re adding a double dose of “presume positive intent” to our morning coffee, knowing everyone is under a little more stress… our families, our colleagues, our customers.

  • We are still excited about our plans for new features and releases in 2020 – including the new 2FA account status updates in the Tiller Money Console.

Our thoughts are with you all

Experts say it will take a few weeks before the impact of social isolation helps to flatten the curve of the virus, and in that time we’ll see a broadening health crisis. It will hit closer to home.

Our role here is a small one, but it’s the role we know how to serve, and we know you’re depending on us.

These are hard times, but the promise of spring is still on the way. Our seven-year-old yesterday noticed the first robin coming back to an aspen in the tree outside the kitchen. If you’re home with someone else, this is a great time to get closer to them.

CS Lewis wrote an essay in 1948, On Living in an Atomic Age, that has been circulating this week again. To borrow from it, with some revisions if I may for the virus…

If we are going to be destroyed by a virus, let that virus when it comes find us doing sensible and human things — praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, chatting to our friends over the phone or a game of online scrabble — not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about the virus. It might break our bodies but it need not dominate our minds.

– Revised from CS Lewis, On Living in an Atomic Age

I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a note at and let me know what’s on your mind, or how you’re navigating these times.

Ask your coronavirus-related personal finance and workflow questions here: Coronavirus & Personal Finances Community Discussion

Thanks for being a part of Tiller Money.

– Peter Polson, founder Tiller Money