Envelope System - with funding templates

I had the same issue as bwendy.
I got errors when trying to copy your Categories sheet over. I tried renaming my existing Categories to something else and it still had issues. So I finally deleted by existing Categories sheet in order to get yours to copy over. That worked. The issue I have now is on the Envelop tab I’m getting #N/A errors in Columns D and E.

I just noticed I’m getting similar errors on the Monthly Budget, Archived Monthly Budget, and Yearly Budget tabs. I’m getting the sense I should have just left my Categories tab in place and just added your additional columns…

Maybe I can roll it back…

So I rolled back to a previous version and went through the steps of copying over your sheets with the exception of the Categories sheet. I just added your columns manually to the Categories tab and that seems to be working. So if there are others having this same problem, I would suggest keeping your existing Categories tab and just manually add the 7 columns to it.

Nice, I agree, it is best to just copy those columns overs. Do you still need help. I saw you shared the sheet with me. So if you need help I can take a look. let me know. Also make sure you copy the funding transactions sheet over.

Hey Jed, just checking in to see if you made progress and to see how things are goign,. let me know if you have any questions.


Hey @bwendy, Just checking in to see how things are going with the envelope sheet. Let me know if you have any questions


I’ve been s…l…o…w…l…y working to get things working with my existing setup as I’ve had some free time. Because my Category columns were not the same as yours I had to update some of the formulas in Envelope tab and the Envelope Tracker tab because I use the following Transaction tab columnns:
Description Category Amount Statement Group Memo Tags Check Number Account Account # Institution Month Week Transaction ID Full Description Categorized Date Metadata Date Added

Some of my additional columns are needed for some of the other Tiller Add-Ons and Tools that I found helpful.

I’ve finally got it all working…

I did notice that on the Envelope Tracker tab, the logic in B7 isn’t working when I select “Account” and “Show All Transactions” because the Funding Transactions tab doesn’t bring in the data for Account column so it can’t be joined to show all transactions. Seems like there was another 1 or 2 spots in those 3 branches of logic that resulted in errors, I just can’t remember which…?

Thanks for sharing your solution. My next steps are to see if I can get any of the mobile apps to link up with my spreadsheet. I really want to be able to provide my wife (iOS user) with the ability to see our Envelope balances when considering making credit card purchases.

I’d love to know the steps you took to get your Envelope sheet to work with AppSheet…?
Thanks for being such an awesome community member!!

I love using Appsheet for my wife as well, no way will she go into the sheets on a regular basis.

So Appsheet needs the data in a tabular format, so I biult two intermediate sheets that grabs just the data I want to send to Appsheet. Here are the headings I use for the envelope amounts.

I also created one for the bank balances. I use this to compare my envelope balance to actual bank balance

In appsheet I connected these sheets, along with Categories, and Transactions and Fundign Transactions.

Be sure tpo go into the Columns Tab and change the fields to the correct formats ( Dates, Price…)

Once the data columns are in you just build the look and feel you want on the UX tab

Afer a little bit of playing you can get it show lots of different ways. Here is how i like mine

and yo ucan click in for more details, icluding showing transaction details

goodluck, and let me know if you have any questions

Jed, for the envelope tracker issue, go to colum K4 and see if it is blank. if so just click on the cell and see if the formula is there and click enter… I see this glitch from time to time on field where I need to lookup a column location. I saw the same issue and just clicking on the cell and enter made it work again.


her eis the actual formula: =iferror(char(65+small(arrayformula((IF(J4=Accounts!$G$1:$1,COLUMN(Accounts!$G$1:$1)-1))),1)))

You are correct about the funding transactions as I dont use the account field with them. Although this is soemthing I have thought of. I am thinking of creating a dedicated funding account attribute for a category. I do this for my stuff today, but leverage the group column for this.

Hi @richl … I really like the looks of your Envelope 1.4 sheet that I see in the PDF file, but where/how can I get an actual copy of the sheet so I can try to add it into my tiller foundation template sheet that has all my other tiller sheets? Any help on understanding where I can get a copy of the 1.4 Envelope sheet (or if there’s a newer version avail) would be much appreciated! Thank you, Jason K. from Concord NC

Here is the link to the latest version.

K4 has that correct formula. I think its actually all working besides when filtering by Account and “Show All Transactions” as we’d expect.
Thanks again…

For the two intermediate sheets you created to reformat your Envelope tab and Balances tab, did you just use a query function? If so, do you mind sharing what that query/formula looked like?

Jed, sorry for the delay. Here is alink to a sheet that has the intermediate sheets. I also included a balance comparison sheet that allow me to reconcile bank and envelope balances. I ahave also included the 7.2 version of my sheet as i had made some changes.

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