Foundation Template Formulas for Expenses Wrong?

The Expense total number for the month is not correct in the Google Sheets foundation template. It is under reporting my expenses shown further down the page. Do we have to manually change the formulas when we add categories?

I’m not an Excel guru and don’t understand the formulas.


Any help would be appreciated.

Welcome Paul, what sheet are you referring to and what cell contains the formula you are referencing?

Could you provide more info on why you think expenses are under reported? Pictures are always helpful :slight_smile:

It looks like the formulas in the foundation sheet are corrupted, the expenses do not add up the total, appears it is not adding in all the expenses to the total cell.

I unlinked that SS and started a new Google sheet and will categorize the expenses again and see if that fixes it. I don’t know what I did to break it.

I’ll let you know if it’s fixed after I update the transactions tab.



In general, the reports like in sheets Spending Trends, Monthly Budget, Yearly Budget shouldn’t be edited, beyond date/range selection typically near the top of the report.

Also, things like Transactions sheet Category not matching Categories sheet Category can cause reports to appear incorrect, but really the source data needs to be corrected.