Initial Balance Setup for Envelope Budgeting?

I cannot find for the life of me how/where to setup an initial balance for envelope budgeting…

Let say for the sake of example I have $10,000 in my accounts all allocated (in YNAB) in my budget categories through savings over time.
Let say
New car 2000
Groceries 1000
Emergency fund 7000

But, except if there is something essential I missed…
Tiller doesn’t care about the initial $10,000 and just start at
“Oh, you earned 1,000 and now you can budget it monthly, yearly etc, yey !”
So it goes new car:100
Groceries : 500
Emergency fund: 400

Well that’s great but what about my initial 10,000 savings ?
I saw “savings budget” did have a saving column but the place it sources the info is a mystery… I calculated backward and added an initial balance to the transaction sheet but it doesn’t care…

Envelope budget goes like this:

  • Select the accounts you want to use for that budget
  • grab the current balance of these accounts
  • manually populate your starting point taking in consideration the total balance
  • Then (and only then) can we say ok, now we have a monthly budget plan to work with, yey…

What essential piece am I missing ?

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Are you using the Savings Budget, @melusine?

You can create adjustments to category savings using the Tiller Community Solutions add-on.
