Make the Savings & Debt template sheet more exacting

Thanks for sharing the rest of this solution, @1Email2RuleThemAll. I’m impressed at how you dove into the original template, found the formulas that needed changing to realize your vision, and then did it so seamlessly. Well done.

I think your Income Settings sheet is great. I like how you partitioned it off as a standalone module. I can envision it being useful to others for other applications. You did a nice job with the structure and organization. It looks like something someone well versed in the Tiller conventions would build.

You’re just changing one cell, J7, in the Savings & Debt template, right? With such an isolated change, it probably makes sense to publish your solution essentially as a shared Income Settings sheet with instructions do download the latest version of the Savings & Debt template and have the user make that one formula change to the master. This means that the Savings & Debt template can be maintained and versioned without being forked for such an isolated change.

When you update the instructions, just make sure the headline is crystal clear on the unique value your solution brings… so people can tell quickly whether they should use the Tiller Labs version or yours. I think you have a strong case to make. I think it is something like:

For users of the original Savings & Debt template, I have made two important changes to make the savings workflow more exacting:

  • I have built a paycheck modeler and linked it to the Savings Req’d Budget field to account for paycheck timing.
  • I have also modified the Req’d Budget formula to fully fund savings goals by the Deadline date (rather than the end of the Deadline month)

If you can concisely hint at these differences in the title, even better.

As part of the Tiller Builder Rewards Program , the Tiller team is excited to award you $150 for building and sharing this template for use by the Tiller community.


Congratulations on a great contribution, @1Email2RuleThemAll.

P.S. I’m sorry you’re not able to rework your original post. We use a Discourse community and users accrue increasing trust levels through visits and activity. I think because you are a newer user, a Rising Star, you didn’t yet have permissions to edit even your own posts. I just bumped your trust level. Do you want to try editing the topmost post again?