I’m testing out TillerHQ as a replacement for Mint, but AutoCat’s 200-rule limit is going to be a dealbreaker for me. I think I’ve found a workaround that will let me automatically categorize transactions based on a longer lookup table, but I’d love it if a more experienced Tiller user can tell me if I’m going to break my Google Sheet (I started from the Finances template) by taking this approach.
In particular, I’m wondering:
- Will it create problems if I add additional columns to my Transactions tab?
- If I fill down my own formula in the “official” Categories column in the Transactions tab, will the categories generated by my formula get overwritten when Tiller syncs with my bank?
- Is there anything magic about Tiller’s built-in Categories column, or can I just ignore it and use my own home-brewed AlexCategories column instead?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
- Alexandra
And for those who are curious about what/how I’m getting around the AutoCat limit, or who need more context on the above, here’s a quick summary of what I’ve got working:
- I already have an extensive list of keyword:category associations in Excel, which I can use to categorize my transactions based on keywords in the description column. To make use of that list, I’ve added an extra tab (AlexCategories) to the my Google Sheet.
- The AlexCategories tab consists of two-column list that will eventually hold about a thousand keywords (column A) plus the categories each keyword should trigger (column B).
- In the Transactions tab, I added a “Better Categories” column to lookup whether the transaction Description includes a keyword in my AlexCategories list; if it does, it returns the associated category from column B
- The formula that does this is based on Regexmatch so the keyword can appear anywhere in the description field – ie partial matches work fine (but yes I have to be careful that the “fee” in Coffee doesn’t match to both Coffee Shops and Bank Fees)
For those who want to try this, the formula that worked is =ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(IF(C2="",IFERROR(FILTER(AlexCats!$B$2:$B,REGEXMATCH(C2,AlexCats!$A$2:$A)),“No category”)),1,1)
(where column C is the Description column in my Transactions tab)
NB this solution was inspired by a (non-Tiller) demo sheet I found in this stackexchange thread: Google Sheets formula for “if contains” from range - Web Applications Stack Exchange