Recurring Transactions - Not Finding What Was Suggested

I have read and read people’s suggestions for Recurring Transactions. I saw a post by Heather that states the Business Add-on can do this? I’m not seeing any of this! It that an old Post that has no bearing any longer on this topic?
Has ANYONE figured a way to do this like Quicken does. I am longing for the day that I can finally switch from Quicken but this function is needed in my case.


In my opinion, the best recurring transaction finder template was created by this community’s own adambecker.

You can find it here.

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A number of my recurring transactions change their description every month and ever so slightly. Is there a way for this template to recognize that those transactions are recurring?

Is there a common word or partial word in the descriptions?

i use amaz for amazon, amazonstores, amazstrs, etc and it works great

You can do this in the Recurring Transactions template? If so, let’s use Hulu as an example; which section of that template would need to be modified to capture this?

Additionally, if I have to manually address this, it doesn’t address the situation that, unless I know of a recurring transaction in advance and can add a wildcard to pick it up, the template wouldn’t identify the recurring nature of the transaction.

ahhh my bad. i actually thought you could - like with autocat. i haven’t used the recurring recently and did not test. i am a bad helper.

not only that, when i went to look at it just now, i realized that this was one of the reasons i stopped using it!

Hopefully someone will come along with a good answer!