Reference specific account balance?

So I’m trying to do something that I thought would be simple, but hasn’t turned out to be. I have a custom sheet I’m using to track credit card bills, and I want it to import my checking account balance into a cell so that it’s quickly apparent if I have enough in that account to pay off upcoming bills. However, if I just link it directly (=Balances!D12) it only works until I fill the template again because those accounts tend to reorder themselves. Is there any way to bring that in easily?

You may be able to just use a VLOOKUP, something like:

=VLOOKUP("Your Checking Account Name",Balances!$B$10:$D,3,FALSE)

This way it should stay updated regardless of how it gets reordered.

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Another option is to get it from the Accounts sheet hidden helper columns, off to the right of the table, where the order doesn’t change.


That did the trick. Thank you!


That also works. Thanks! I never noticed those before.

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