🏆 Retirement Planner Template (Excel)

Wow! … Just wow!

First off, @bdunks, thanks for taking the initiative to port this popular template to Excel.

Second, I’m really impressed with the fidelity to the Sheets version. Not only the UX, but I added test data and it all lined up to the decimal point to values output from the Sheets version.

Finally, you’ve done a great job with the build quality, using spill ranges and LAMBDA functions throughout the calculations. The interoperablity with your Cash Flow Forecast](Cash Flow Forecast (Excel)) is also welcome and well done.

:pray: I’ve got one really small change request for you… could you change the Learn & Discuss link to point to https://community.tillerhq.com/tag/tcs-retirement?

:trophy: If you’re familiar with the Tiller Builder Rewards Program , you know that we award a sliding scale of cash prizes based on:

  • Value of concept to the personal-finance community
  • Value & quality of Tiller integration
  • Uniqueness of concept vision
  • User experience & usability

As the Community’s first long-term planning template available in Excel, this solution with its create build quality is a homerun :baseball: and we are excited to award you $750 for building and documenting this Retirement Planner template-port to Excel.

Thank you @bdunks!

P.S. You might notice a similarly effusive award and recognition in the thread for your Cash Flow Forecast port for Excel.

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