Savings Budget workflow question - Budget health

I have a question about the Savings Budget workflow.
I have my Budget Expenses and Budgeted Income perfectly zeroed out for January 2025. But my “Net actuals, all” is off by a lot. I can’t figure out why.

Best I can gather from previous threads is that since my credit card payments may not perfectly align with credit card charges during January, my actuals will always be incorrect.

I really want to get the little Budget Health bar smiling!


Any ideas on how to approach this differently would be appreciated!

From the formula in L14, it looks like “Net Actuals, All” is total transaction amounts within the range in the dark blue header. So, although your Net Budgets (Budget, Income - Budget, Expense) sum to zero, there are actuals that are creating favorability… possibly unbalanced transfers?

Thanks Randy. After a little digging I see it is coming from “Internal Transfers.” Even though I have marked that category as hidden in Categories. I do this because I (a) want my mortgage payment to show up only as a cost. Internally I have my mortgage linked (for use in other dashboards). Is the only solution to completely disconnect my mortgage from Tiller? Or is there a way to hide the “receiving” end of my mortgage payment from the Savings budget?

An easy fix would be to modify the IFS() formula in L14 to also filter out transfers… :man_shrugging:

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OK, yeah I might do that. Er… how would I do that exactly?

Make a backup, and try this:

  INDIRECT("Transactions!" & BE31 & "2:" & BE31),
  INDIRECT("Transactions!" & BE29 & "2:" & BE29), ">=" & $BE$3,
  INDIRECT("Transactions!" & BE29 & "2:" & BE29), "<" & (EOMONTH($BE$2, 0) + 1),
  INDIRECT("Transactions!" & BE30 & "2:" & BE30), "<>" & "Internal Transfers"

No change unfortunately. The number stays the same.