@randy thanks for looking into this. Like @Adam_B, I am doing the manual method for now, but certainly interested in something automated in the future.
Thanks for all of the support!
@randy thanks for looking into this. Like @Adam_B, I am doing the manual method for now, but certainly interested in something automated in the future.
Thanks for all of the support!
Again, I think there may be a shortcut using something like this…
Randy you can easily import the Zestimate to a cell in sheets with the formula below. Someone would just need to write a script to paste the value and other static info into the Balance History sheet and then assign a time trigger to run it on a regular basis. Unfortunately I don’t know how to write said script.
=ImportXML(https://www.zillow.com/webservice/GetZestimate.htm?zws-id=[Enter ZWS ID]&zpid=[Enter ZIPID] ,"//amount")
I’ve created a script that pulls the Zestimate and appends it to a sheet called “Zillow” in your Tiller spreadsheet.
I set this to execute every Monday morning, but you can certainly do more often.
It’s not part of my workflow to add this as a “balance” to an account my Balance History sheet, but using this I’m sure you could use this as a starting point to get you going there.
Google Sheets Zillow Import Script (github.com) Detailed instructions on how to use are the first comment on the Gist.
Here’s a gist to add a record to your balance history sheet as well.
Zillow Tiller Sheets Importer (With Balance History) (github.com)
Thanks so much for sharing Darin! I was able to successfully use the Importer script with Balance History in my Tiller Sheet.