Amazon Order History Page Gone?

Someone at Amazon support chat told me they are indeed working on restoring the order history download and that in meantime they suggest requesting the report via this link. It should take 3-5 business days (not the 1 month worst case mentioned in the confirmation message). I requested it and will report back if/when I get the report.


I ordered the report from the link @Ghopper21 provided. It took about 24 hours. And it leads to a bunch of zip files. I downloaded and opened the order one. OMG Amazon truly owns my soul. 4k lines of purchases starting in 1995. What a trip down memory lane.

The file is in a different order than the regular one but has the required columns. I did not try to run it because I spent some time this afternoon fixing my transactions manually and have none left to reconcile.

If they never fix the other file, I’ll probably get this one once a month and use it.


@randy I’m okay with cleaning up duplicates. I found I had to do that anyway, which must have been because you use shipping/tracking number, which causes duplicates if imported before and after shipment.

Also the help page at this link is now gone completely, so I have little faith the report tool is returning:

@Ghopper21 and @susandennis that link worked for me too, I got mine today and will test it out. Looks like it took about 28 hours to receive, which is not great by doable.

So I tried to import the alternative report. It has a lot of the same columns, but some all called different things. It also has extra columns and missing columns (like “item total”). It was not an easy process, but it is possible to put it in the right format to import.

Thanks for the updates, @Charlotte, @Ghopper21 & @susandennis.

I’m glad you landed on a workaround, @Ghopper21. If the format is different, it probably isn’t too much work for me to modify the import rules to function with the new columns.

Since Amazon says the workflow is coming back— though, like @Charlotte, I’m skeptical— I want to give them a few weeks to make this right before changing an importer that was working well.

I know it’s painful but let’s check back in on where things stand mid Sept and we’ll get something working.

Thanks for your patience.


So glad I stumbled across this thread; I thought I was going crazy b/c I couldn’t find the Amazon Order History Report. I reached out to support and was told to try a different browser but it was plain to see that the original link was performing a redirect. I’ll be watching this conversation closely. Everyone has provided great workarounds, and landing on the Privacy Central page seems promising for auto-uploading content into Tiller without having to massage the data too much.

There is a Google Chrome extension called Amazon Order History Reporter that will let you download purchases, based on year, into a CSV file. I’m hoping that’ll make things easier combined with the template provided by @susandennis.

Fingers crossed they bring back the original functionality…


I came across this thread via a google search since I use the order report when I claim tax refunds from Amazon for exported goods. I then use the refund report to compare if all the refunds have been made.

Like the others, I was pointed to toward downloading all of the account information and that took about a day. I can´t see myself being able to use the new reports (I can go into the details).

I sent an email and complained and they gave me a $30 promo which is nothing compared to what I am losing. I replied and asked for confirmation on if the reports would return and am waiting on a reply.


I am so glad I found this thread. It is maddening that Amazon has removed a very basic functionality that I have to believe millions of people used. I chatted and called Amazon three times and got remarkably unsatisfying answers with vague commitments that the functionality will return. It is now mid-September; I last created a report successfully on August 1st.

We buy a ton of stuff in our household through Amazon. It is a walled garden-- I’m sufficiently irritated by this loss of functionality that if I had another similar service available I’d switch services. I will try the “Privacy Central” approach that @Ghopper21 suggested and others have used. However I have a sneaking suspicion that it will not work well given the frequency of our orders, which have only increased as we’ve been stuck at home during the pandemic.

This is very, very frustrating.

FWIW I just got off the phone with Amazon, they told me the old report is gone and to use the privacy central page at

After going thru about 5 different amazon support techs I finally got to someone with an answer as to what happened. Amazon removed this feature from personal accounts. In order to get the feature back you need to convert your personal account to a business account.
This process removes prime video, pantry, fresh etc. You will need a separate account for those items. I didn’t want to but because I make so many purchases for work I didn’t want to deal with their garbage orders page where you can’t even search by a dollar amount which blows my mind. Having to reconcile 60-100 amazon purchases a month I had no choice but to switch.

Changing from Amazon Prime to Amazon Prime Business has no effect on your Audible account at least.

@susandennis Holy cow. I can’t wait to see mine. That is nuts. I have probably about 10 lines of history with amazon. Can’t wait to see the total.

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Thanks for figuring this out @jayrodathome! Still super frustrating that they got rid of it but at least now we can move forward with other options.

@randy , it looks like others have reported now that Amazon is saying this feature isn’t coming back. Does that mean you’d be able to modify the parser to handle the format of the download from privacy central? Thanks.

Yes. I saw that.

I requested the Privacy Central report a few days ago and plan to review the format for compatibility this afternoon. More soon…

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Well, I give you credit. I went digging with Amazon at least three different occasions and didn’t get the answer you found. I also don’t like the answer… we’re heavy users of prime video and I’m very irritated at now needing a separate account if I were to switch to Amazon Prime Business.

I hope the Privacy Central thing will work out but I have my doubts on the “friendliness” of this approach.

@eslimko It’ll be a pain because it takes a day or two to get the report, but otherwise isn’t very different in my opinion.

@randy The headers from the CSV are:

"Marketplace","Order ID","Order Date","Purchase Order Number","Currency","Price","Price Tax","Shipping Charge","Item Subtotal","Item Subtotal Tax","ASIN","Product Condition","Quantity","Payment Instrument Type","Order Status","Shipment Status","Ship Date","Shipping Option","Shipping Address","Billing Address","Carrier Name & Tracking Number","Product Name","Gift Message","Gift Sender Name","Gift Recipient Contact Details"

Thanks for sharing the headers, @kraig. I put those into the rules engine earlier and I’m having more trouble than expected for a few reasons:

  1. There are a number of fields we used to published (as a nice to have) that are no longer present.
  2. There is no line-item total in the report. It needs to be generated by adding item cost, tax & shipping. Generally this would be easy but the import rules files are a whole different animal.
  3. When I run the importer on 20 years of Amazon history, it says there are no new purchases (an unexpected bug).

This isn’t to say it can’t be done… it absolutely can… but it will take a bit longer than I hoped.


thanks for this link. I don’t have the transaction history file yet, but it looks promising despite the time commitment.

Data Request Confirmation

We’ve received and are processing your request to access your personal data.

We will provide your information to you as soon as we can. Usually, this should not take more than a month. In exceptional cases, for example if a request is more complex or if we are processing a high volume of requests, it might take longer, but if so we will notify you that there will be a delay.

I actually just received my Privacy Central report which has got transactions going back to 1997. Do I need to import this differently that I have previously? (I’ll remove the first 20 years of transactions, clearly.) Or should I wait until @randy has worked out his rules engine?

Hoping to have something late today or tomorrow.
(Have a few other tasks on my plate.)
Your call, @eslimko.

I’m wondering if every time one requests and receives a privacy central it will include the entire history or can you select a date range?