Balance History Tracker - Excel

Hey @yossiea!

Thanks so much for building this in Google Sheets and porting it to Excel. I really like how this is a relatively simple template, but it fills an important need.

I had some trouble getting it to work in my sheet. Eventually, I figured out that the range you had in the FILTER() in L13 (i.e. “BalanceHistory[Date]:BalanceHistory[Class]”) was returning garbled and incomplete data because my Balance History column order did not match yours. I solved this by changing the formula in L13 to this (essentially creating a custom range with HSTACK()):

=IFERROR(FILTER(HSTACK(BalanceHistory[Date],BalanceHistory[Time],BalanceHistory[Account],BalanceHistory[Account '#],BalanceHistory[Account ID],BalanceHistory[Balance ID],BalanceHistory[Institution],BalanceHistory[Balance],BalanceHistory[Month],BalanceHistory[Week],BalanceHistory[Type],BalanceHistory[Class]),(IF(B5<>"",BalanceHistory[Class]=$B$5,1=1))*(BalanceHistory[Date]>=O2)*(BalanceHistory[Date]<=O3)*(IF(B6<>"",BalanceHistory[Type]=$B$6,1=1))*(IF(D5<>"",BalanceHistory[Institution]=$D$5,1=1))*(IF(D6<>"",BalanceHistory[Account]=$D$6,1=1))),"")

The results looked reasonable after making this change.

I’m not sure I understand what is going on in A13 (particularly the reference to W:W) but you might be able to simplify this section using a spill range (e.g. referencing L13#).

Hope these suggestions make sense.

As part of the Tiller Builder Rewards Program , the Tiller team is excited to award you $100. Thanks so much for sharing and documenting this.
