Balance polarity question on overpaid credit card

Good morning,
I accidentally overpaid my credit card and noticed that the balance continues to be reported as a debt ie positive rather than negative


How does the balance appear at the institution site, does the polarity in your sheet match what the balance displayed shows?

Interesting, it appears as this

| morgan Beta
December 11 |

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How does the balance appear at the institution site, does the polarity in your sheet match what the balance displayed shows?

Your best bet is to manually fix this balance until it’s no longer overpaid. Our data feeds are only able to grab the balance as it appears so they are technically “working as expected” and by the time we are able to troubleshoot this with our data provider it will likely be corrected at the institution site.

You can overwrite the amount in the Balance History sheet for the entry that is coming in like that.

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Thanks. That’s what I’ve been doing. Just wanted to bring it to your attention :slight_smile:

| morgan Beta
December 18 |

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Your best bet is to manually fix this balance until it’s no longer overpaid. Our data feeds are only able to grab the balance as it appears so they are technically “working as expected” and by the time we are able to troubleshoot this with our data provider it will likely be corrected at the institution site.

You can overwrite the amount in the Balance History sheet for the entry that is coming in like that.

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