OK, I’m stumped. Everything on my Tiller spreadsheet is working like its their job (wait, it is their job). EXCEPT . . . for the Balance Sheet. Six manual entries beginning row 36 will simply not populate. These are things like current market value for my completely paid for residence and so on. I have no idea whether these rows actually contain data which is hidden (and calculating correctly), or that it simply isn’t there and hasn’t populated at all. I have checked the Transaction, Accounts and Balance History sheets and all seem to be correct.
Please see image and any help would be appreciated.
hmmm, I was going check the balances sheet to see if the sheet has formulas on the cells you are highlighting. But when i go and grab the Tempate it just spins and then fails. I wonder if Tiller is having a broader issue with their template.
Are you saying the Account column A of the Accounts sheet has an account selected via dropdown (without an error triangle) along with Group column C assigned to MISCELLANEOUS?
I was tinkering with the spreadsheet this afternoon, deleting, adding rows, copying and pasting formula and so on, but I have returned everything to its original state. BOTTOM LINE - NO! there is no formula present for Row 36 (See image)
BOTTOM LINE - YES! There are eight valid entries on the Accounts Sheet, all assigned to the Miscellaneous Group. No errors were indicated in any pull down menu or anything else for that matter. However, only two of the eight entries appear on the Balances Sjheet (see image).
That’s the formula in my Balances sheet. Every row in column B should have a formula like that, just copy one and paste them down the column - you should see the row number changing for each row.
row 36 has row($B36)
row 37 has row($B37)
row 38 has row($B38)
You must have deleted the formulas in your editing.
The reports are not really intended to be edited like that.
Ideally, you should be able to just restore the template (instead of manually restoring the formulas), similar to what @richl was doing by:
Menu > Extensions > Tiller Money Feeds > Templates
If I start a new Foundation Template spreadsheet (Accounts and Balances sheets exist), delete the Balances sheet, and then install the Balances template - it successfully installs without error.
If I delete both Accounts and Balances sheets, they both get created when I install the Balances sheet (the Balances sheet depends on the Accounts sheet).
If I delete both Accounts and Balances sheets, but then create an empty sheet named Accounts, I get the same error @richl when installing the Balances sheet. So, it seems your Accounts sheet is not being recognized as compatible by the latest Balances sheet install process and treated like a user sheet.
Ok, so when i delete my existing Accounts sheet it adds it back, but it still stalls when installing the Balances sheet. it creates the page but doesn’t have any content or formulas. Then if i delete the empty Balances sheet (leaving the brand new) Accounts sheet. It gives me the duplicate sheets error. Something is definity broken with this template