šŸ† Budget Plan - Google Sheets

Thereā€™s probably a way, but youā€™d need to alter the formulas in the sheet a bit. Hereā€™s the details on the Workday function that is used to make it work: WORKDAY - Google Docs Editors Help

Apologies if this has already been covered somewhere.
Iā€™ve been using the Budget Plan for a year now, and Iā€™m keen to use it again to plan for my next financial year (commencing 1st April in New Zealand).
Are there any specific steps to take? Iā€™m assuming I 1) copy the Budget Plan sheet (and name accordingly), 2) then copy & paste the formula into the 1st month of the new financial year on the transactions sheet and replacing ā€œBudget Planā€ with the name of the new sheet. Iā€™d also need to update the ā€œEā€ to the first moth of the new financial year.
Is that correct?

That sounds right, except itā€™s the Categories sheet where you update the formula to point at the new sheet name. Hereā€™s the steps I included in another post:

If you want to keep your old numbers around for reference, the easiest option would be to create a new sheet where youā€™ll store them (eg. Budget Plan 2023). Go to the Budget Plan sheet and Select All, then Copy. Go to the Budget Plan 2023 sheet and click in A1, then go to the Edit menu and choose Paste Special/Values Only. This will paste all the text from the Budget Plan sheet without any of the formulas or conditional formatting. You can then format it however you please, itā€™s just standalone text that wonā€™t change moving forward. When youā€™re ready to do your new budget, update the dates in the Categories sheet (I think @heather has a video on how to do this) and the Budget Plan sheet should adjust to use the same dates. You can then adjust the budget items as needed for the new year.

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This worked for me. Thank you!

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I would like to install the Budget Plan, took me a bit to find it, fyi, if you search for it from the EXPLORE search option it shows up, but when you click on it you get nothing.

Anyway, I did find it under PLANNING. Went to install, and got incompatible with CATEGORIES sheet message. Researched that, found reference when installing SAVINGS BUDGET, and migrating from envelope budget, there is a process to create a new spreadsheet to implement.

I am not using the envelope budget, the CATEGORIES sheet does have month columns (Jul 2024 to Jun 2025). I am using the SAVINGS BUDGET therefore the sheet also has a TRACK column. Am I right to think this TRACK column is the conflict and I need to go thru the similar process users of envelope budget have to and create a new spreadsheet? TIA!

Sorry to hear you had these problems. I just tried it, searching for ā€œBudget Planā€ in the Explore tab, it was the first option that came up. I selected it and it did have a ā€œAdd to Spreadsheetā€ button which I clicked, and it did add it to my spreadsheet. So, it doesnā€™t seem to be a global issue you encountered, likely something specific to your spreadsheet. Not sure if @randy might have any ideas on what could be happening, possibly some kind of conflict with another template as youā€™re guessing.

Thank you for reply, I sent @randy a message. In the mean time I built a new spreadsheet and installed BUDGET PLAN then SAVINGS BUDGET and was able to so with no problems. Guess Iā€™ll just move forward with the new one.

The template installer tracks discretely two variants of the Categories sheetā€” one with the budgets (which is standard in the Foundation Template) and a stripped-down one without. I can see that the Budget Plan requires the version with categories. My guess is that your original spreadsheet was built with the stripped down version. Does this match up with what youā€™re seeing?

Iā€™m not quite sure on the best approach to trick the add-on into installing the new one. You could try the following:

  1. Copy out your Categories sheet data into a new empty sheet
  2. Delete your Categories sheet
  3. Install the Budget Plan (which should install the correct version of the Categories sheet for you as a dependency)
  4. Copy your saved categories sheet data back into the new Categories sheet
  5. Find all the broken references to your old Categories sheet (e.g. data validation in your Transactions sheet) and fix them manually

This is what I would do. It might take a little bit of time and expertise to execute step 5. That is the only hard part.

Sorry for the hassle, @naburns4000.


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Thank you, I donā€™t think I have a stripped down version of categories, it has 12 months in it staring col E, plus a Track Col. the 12 months are Jul to Jun instead of the traditional, Jan to Dec.

I built a new spreadsheet and installed Budget first then Savings and had no problems with the install this time. It put TRACK in COL E this time. I moved it to the end, hopefully that wonā€™t cause a problem.

I may try your suggestion once I digest it a bit more.

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Hi, I just started using your spreadsheet. I am impressed with the amount of work you have spent in making this spreadsheet work for multiple scenarios. Thank you for all your efforts. I need your help and it is most likely my fault. When I enter my income with a weekly frequency it calculates the occurrence as 53 instead of 52 and when I enter a second income with a weekly frequency and mult 2 it sets the occurrence as 27 instead of 26. Do you know what I missed in set up?

Depending on the specific date of your paycheck, I imagine itā€™s possible their would be 53 in a year. Iā€™d try putting them into a calendar like ā€œGoogle Calendarā€ and see how many show up for the time period youā€™ve specified.

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I am using the Savings budget sheet to roll over money from previous month. You mentioned above not to make ā€œbudgetā€ changes on this sheet. What is the best way to make budget changes in the Budget Plan sheet? I usually move money around through out the month from one budget category to another. What is the best way to do this?

If you use Budget Plan, you need to make any budget changes within the Budget Plan sheet, since it is the source that your Categories sheet gets itā€™s numbers from (and the Categories sheet feeds most other budget related sheets). If you use Savings Budget to make a budget update, it changes the Categories sheet so that it no longer looks to Budget Plan for that month, which is likely to cause problems. If you like to move money around frequently between budgets then Budget Plan might not be the best solution. While itā€™s very flexible, it wasnā€™t designed with that functionality in mind.

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For me, I solved the ā€œCalculation limitā€ error by deleting most of the empty rows (there were over 4000).


You can still use the Budget Savings sheet even if you are using Budget Plan, but you should only make adjustments using the Modifying a Category Savings method, not the Budget method. By using the Savings , method, adjustments are made only in the Budget Journal sheet.


This is fantastic! Do you have any pointers on how to navigate the transition from one year to the next?

Yup, see this post: "Budget Plan" Tip - Creating New Budget Plan for New Year

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Outstanding work. Truly!

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I have the Budget Plan-Google Sheets and tried to sort ā€œImportanceā€ from Z to A as it suggested under the little i icon and once I did that, the whole sheet said error and all the numbers are gone. How do I fix this? I tried to ā€œgo backā€ but that didnā€™t work. Would I need to un-install it and install it again?

You should be able to use the Version History tool to go back to a version before you did the sort.

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