Budget Rollup reports. Note column blank!

I have made some corrections on the past year’s transactions.

When I print new Budget Rollup Report, the column. “Note” is blank, unlike the reports I printed in July. See illustrations.

How can I fix this?


Hi @pwstamps - can you please just double check that in the Transactions sheet the column is still “Note” (no quotes) and singular vs plural like “Notes” - the supported column is “Note”

Yes, it still says note. See Screenshot attached. So it must be another issue. :frowning:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for all your help.



Hey @pwstamps!

I just confirmed the Note field works in reports in my spreadsheet. (Also, the code has not been changed in some time.)

I recommend doing as @heather suggested: triple check that the Note header in your Transactions sheet is just “Note” with no plural s and no leading or trailing white spaces.

Then rerun the report (it does not fill dynamically).

If that doesn’t work, you could unhide and delete the sheet called Report Template: Budget Rollup. When you run the report again, the add-on will fetch a fresh copy of this template.

Hope this helps.

Hi Heather,
Thank you for getting back to me.
1- Please let me know how to find the help communication rectangle inside. Sometimes I see it; sometimes, I do not see it?? This is why I am communicating today through gmail.
2- I have a new problem. My monthly budget reports are entirely out of wack. Strange, it worked fine last week. See file attached and error message.

How do I fix.





It is working now! Strange!
Ignore my request, except 1- Please let me know how to find the help communication rectangle inside. Sometimes I see it; sometimes, I do not see it?? This is why I am communicating today through gmail.

thank you! It works.
I had notes with a s in the transaction sheet. I thought Heather only asked me to look at note in the report.
Thank you for all your help.
Stay well.
Best Regards,

Glad to hear it, @pwstamps.