Using the Tiller Money Feeds extension in Google Sheets, the AutoCat tool lets you create rules with the Advanced Rule Builder. One of the options is to create a rule for the Date column using Equals, Max, or Min criteria. The rule builder creates this column in the AutoCat sheet if it doesn’t already exist. The column that’s created is formatted as plain text and as a result the comparisons for Max and Min do not work correctly.
I suggest that the Tiller team should take a look and consider updating the Advanced Rule Builder to check the format of the column referenced by the filter criteria and reuse that same formatting for the new column it creates in the AutoCat sheet.
Users can workaround this by reformatting the created column themselves.
Is this new @randy? We have a note in the AutoCat guide that says that AutoCat won’t work on Dates. Can you share more on the expected behavior there so we can document it?
Sorry for the delay in testing this, @tommyv. The code looks like the Min and Max criteria should work with the Date column, but, in my testing, I couldn’t get it to work.
I also just changed the formatting for the “Date Min” and “Date Max” columns in the AutoCat sheet to be Number > Date, and then AutoCat works on my transactions.
Is it possible to match on Date Min and Date Max without specifying the year, so that transactions between May 18 and 22 that also match a particular amount min and max on a particular account, can be automatically classified? I have a number of recurring annual changes that fit this pattern and can’t be uniquely matched without a date range, due to multiple annual changes with the same amount for different things. Thanks, Robert