Sorry if this has alrady been answered, I’m new and did several searches but didn’t see it covered anywhere. I want to have a column for notes about certain transactions, is there an existing column I can use or can I insert one or can I should I just append notes in the description field?
Thank you!
Hi @TotheMoonAlice,
Yes, you can add any other columns that you like to the Transactions
spreadsheet as long as you do not use the same name as any default columns, and to be safe I recommend not adding anything before the Amount
column. I recommend naming the column Note
as some Tiller Community Solutions templates will add/use a column of that name.
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Thank you for your response. On the Transactions tab I tried to insert a column to the left of Category (column D). The created column had all of the categories/dropdown lists of the category column. Should I try copying the “check number” column and inserting it left of column D, or how should I insert a new “Notes” column? Thank you!
It sounds like the data validation rules for the Category column were automatically copied into the inserted column. You can right-click the column D
header → Data Validation
and click Remove Validation
to clear out those dropdowns. You should be all set after that.

Great, that worked, thank you!
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