As I understand it, if you enter a value say in January that it would populate the remaining months. It’s not doing that. Also as I understand if you change a value say in May that it would populate the remaining months. It’s not doing that either. Is there a way to check the sheet for any errors or rebuild that sheet without having to start all over? Please help! Thanks.
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@cgoneal, the Categories sheet should have this be default in all the existing rows. If you inserted rows those rows would not have this.
This is just a simple formula that’s referencing the previous cell.
So the Feb cell in row 2 would have a formula like =E2
, March would have =F2
and so on. If you enter this simple formula into one cell and drag that to the right using the quick fill square it should automatically populate the formulas referencing the previous cells for you correctly.
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Okay wasn’t sure if I added any formulas such as this if it would mess things up