Connected Accounts not connecting

from my Mac, I’m signed into my Tiller console in Safari. I’m using Google Sheets.
I have Connected Accounts. From the Console, I am signed in and can see the accounts. However, from my Budget Google Sheet, I am unable to refresh the connected accounts.
When I go to Tiller Money Feeds, Connected Accounts, I’m stuck at “Fetching Linked Accounts…” and that never stops, no error messages, etc. Any ideas?

I have restarted, Closed Google, etc.

Have you tried doing the same in Chrome? or possibly another PC/mac?

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I’d recommend reaching out to our support team via the chat window in the lower right corner of the Console at

I have the same issue, and opened a support chat 2 days ago, haven’t heard back
Google Sheets via ChromeOS/Chrome

I did try other browsers, Chrome, Firefox. Nothing worked for 2 days.
Than suddenly the 3rd day, and each day since, it’s all working again. Working from Safari in fact, which is my preferred browser.

Other than many restarts I don’t know of anything that actually changed within my configuration. No updates, network changes, etc. But it works again, I’m happy.

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thanks for the update, still not working here and still no contact from support

Hi @J_E_F_F it looks like you didn’t respond to our bot in time with your initial inquiry so your conversation was closed out. There are a few prompts you’ll have to answer in order for your message to get routed to our team, and if you don’t respond then our team won’t get your message.

I can see you’ve started another chat now, and our team will reply there shortly.