My projected debt freedom date with only the minimum payments being paid monthly (which is also my budget amount for the debts) is Mar 2025.
When I enter an additional amount of $4000, my date changes to Feb 2021…which cannot be correct based on my total debt of over $32k.
Anyone have a suggestion on how to correct this?
Thank you.
February 17, 2021, 2:00pm
Hi @moneyork , sorry for the late reply here.
I think some other folks are chatting about this via this topic. Hopefully that will help. Feel free to chime in with some example configuration and/or screenshots on that topic since it already has a lot of activity:
Echoing this. I have a credit card that has $198 left, I pay $82/mo.
Avalance: It thinks it’ll be paid off in June 2023.
Snowball: It thinks it’ll be paid off by September 2021.
Ranked (when set as #1): It thinks it’ll be paid off by June 2022.
February 17, 2021, 6:45pm
That sounds suspicious, @moneyork .
We learned a few things working through issues recently in this thread :
Make sure to add Interest Rates in column B
even if the interest rate is 0%.
The calculations don’t work great with zero-interest loans when the min monthly payment is greater than $0.
I agree that a screenshot would be helpful. Feel free to redact any sensitive information.