Dies anyone import activity from their investment accounts (taxable, IRA, 401K etc) into the foundations template, or do you use Tiller just to track income and expenses? It would be great to have all of that information concentrated in one place.
Yea, I have a few accounts in mine. I delete the transactions and just look at the balances as part of Net Worth.
Yes, I track my investment accounts in Tiller. I track balances and transactions. I use the transactions to track investment cash flow.
I get Tiller to grab the balances and transactions from my investment institutions but I really only look at the balances. I pile all the transactions into my ‘transfer’ category. Not the best way but sure the easiest.
I track them in a separate “Investment” template to monitor dividends, capital gains and balances.
Hey @MarcC - I just started looking around for answers to my question (linked below). Would love to hear your thoughts as it sounds like you may have experience with more longer term planning?
Hi David,
I have not done anything too exciting just created a separate foundation template and linked only my investment accounts. Added the retirement planner, cash flow, net worth etc. templates and a few others. I kind of go back and fourth in my head in wanting things together and separate so I still maintain a sheet with all accounts.
Good luck