Docs: Live Profit & Loss Report (Excel)

I’ve been trying repeatedly to add this to my workbook and have been unsuccessful. Before I can move it to my Tiller book, I have to add a sheet to it as Excel wont let me copy unless there is a sheet still in the P&L workbook.
So after I get it moved, the change source screen does look different and as soon as I do change the source, everything is wiped out of the P&L sheet and it acts like it still is linked somehow?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had more images but apparently new users are limited to one

I am having exactly the same problem as stayupthetree. Any idea what is going on?

I think the issue is that my categories are quite different than the ones in the original p&l statement but I have no idea what to do about that. I unhide the transactions and categories sheets in the original workbook and it moves to my original excel sheet just fine. I then follow the instructions to update the reference links to the new worksheet and end up with the same sheet as stayupthetree.

If you unhide some of the columns off the right like P and beyond, what kind of information do you see over there? It appears that A9 will show “No Transactions” when there are some errors in the functions over there, like in T6, U6, R6 etc. Another first thing you could try is replacing the formula in T6 with the one that I had posted previously.