"Live" Profit and Loss Report?

Is there a template that generate a LIVE or dynamic Profit and Loss report?
Just realized that the report is static, and requires generating every time!

Would be cool to not have to find it in the Tiller Community Solutions add-on menu, then generate every single time. Also requires adding a totals column and formula every time you generate it! Would be helpful to have a Total column as part of template.


I agree. Look at the bottom of the Monthly Analysis template. It is live. Also, you could build a pivot table. Blake


I would love a real-time profit and loss report as well.

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Have you considered starting with a copy of a sheet like the Monthly Budget and then reworking the formula query ranges to be more dynamic? I think most of the heavy lifting— like actuals queries, finding source data locations, and category sort/layout— are modeled in that sheet.

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It’s been a while since we discussed this project but I did finally get around to making this.

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This is perfect and exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

This is amazing Randy! Is it possible to add functionality to the “Live Profit & Loss” spreadsheet the following:

  1. Hover over a line item and it lists out the amount and description of all the expenses that added up to the number you are hovering over? (basically seeing more detail on a particular expense/line item when needed)


  1. Add clickable links to a line item on the profit and loss statement that takes you to the detail described in #1.

or something similar.

Please let me know. Thank you so much!


Those would be cool features, @dml288. Sheets doesn’t really have a hover-for-formula-driven-rendered-data capability, so both of these would probably need to be implemented in a nearby filter table of some sort.

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This live profit and loss report is amazing! Is there a balance sheet / reconciliation tool that can also be used so I can manage the statements for my simple consulting business in Tiller and not have to purchase quickbooks?

For the Balance sheet I think you’d just add manual accounts and organize them in specific groups to match what you need for the balance sheet: https://community.tillerhq.com/t/balance-sheet-for-my-cpa/438

As for the reconciliation tool I think you’d want to check out the Statements sheet I think: Docs: Bank Statement Reconciliation Sheet

Does anyone know how to exclude certain income and expenses within the formulas on the live profit and loss? I am trying to duplicate the existing one that has everything on it but only show income and expenses for one business on there. Also does anyone know how to show detail such as each transaction and dates on there if I want to?

Regarding “show detail such as each transaction and dates”, you could also check out https://community.tillerhq.com/t/p-l-analyzer-profit-and-loss-analyzer-solution-for-google-sheets which can automatically show detailed transactions when a category is selected (plus a link back to the transaction sheet if you desire, by inputting your Transactions sheet ID). I use it for small business reporting like you’re suggesting. I hope to share some tutorials in the future about how to extend it in other ways as discussed in that post.