I have been using the envelope budget template and I have liked it so far, but I do find a few things here and there that i don’t under stand. Below is an example.
i have my monthly budget set-up and recently adding a category to it so I could track some new expenses. Here is what things have looked like
Month One - New transaction assigned to the category -$238.00, roll over = $0, budget = $0, avialble = -$238, prior = $0
Month Two - New transaction assigned to the categoy $-431, roll over = 0, budget = 80, available = -$351, prior = 238
My question is why does the available = -$351? I would think the math would look like as follows:
-238 + 80 - 431 = -589 available.
I suppose i may have rolled something over to this category at some point, but then I would assume it would have shown up as a roll over.