Has anyone used Google Data Studio or BigQuery to run ETL jobs on their Tiller data? As I continue building out my arsenal of spreadsheets, I keep running into limitations with or having to resort to complex calculations to aggregate data for reports in Google Sheets.
For example, I have a spreadsheet that I use to calculate daily credit card debt (checking balance - sum of all credit cards). Now, Tiller doesn’t always report the balance for some credit cards every day. If the balance was not reported for a specific date, it throws off the calculation for that day. My solution to this was to write a Google Apps Script that will calculate the balance for a given day and defaults to the balance on the closest previous date. However, this isn’t very performance so my spreadsheet now takes ~15-30s to load on open.
Google Data Studio and BigQuery have piqued my interest because they can plug into my Tiller data stored in Google Sheets. From there I can run nightly jobs that will transform my data and generate new tables, reports, etc. For example, I would love to convert my credit card debt spreadsheet to a nightly job that runs the calculation.
I’m curious if anyone here has played around with Google Data Studio or BigQuery at all, and if so, what sort of things you have built with it?
Played around with Google Data Studio for a bit because I’ve also had trouble w/ google sheets performance issues. Seems promising as the transactions tab and balance history tabs are essentially mini databases from which to build reporting off of, but I have not pursued it any further than that initial time.
Per the issue of credit card balances not being updated everyday, I’m having the same issue and this shouldn’t be the case per the ‘Frequency of Balance History Updates?’ discussion. Perhaps you could share your experience on that discussion as well to see if we can get this issue resolved.
@benlcollins has a lot of experience with Google Data Studio and may have some resources on his website. www.benlcollins.com
As for the balance updates, I just replied over on the other thread @jtbarron - I think it’s just that the account was disconnected (either because of needing 2FA codes or intermittent errors), but let me know if that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Hi! I’ve built a dashboard in Google Data Studio for tracking personal finance. My transactions are synced by a customer solution I have built; however, it’s similar to what TillerHQ does.
Unfortunately, I can’t attach here a screenshot of the dashboard. But believe me, it’s very, very useful in terms of staying on top of my expenses.
I just created a dashboard with Google Data Studio myself. It is a monthly report. I personally wanted to create my own template and for a while i had my own template i made with sheets, but aesthetically it wasn’t as pleasing to me as i wanted, and now I’m quite happy with my current dashboard.
@mar5 This looks pretty cool. Any chance you can share this as a template? I am using Datastudio for some work related KPI reports out of ServiceNow, but want to use it for my personal finances as well.
Sure thing. Let me try to create a template from mine. I’ll try getting the sample data tiller provided as the data source. I’ll try to do this in the next few days.
Hey, newbie here (to the community at least) and was just curious if anyone else was using Data Studio or if @mar5 you had expanded beyond the original template (which I really like and referenced a ton as I was getting started)? Would be great to share learnings / best practices related to a few of the kinks (it does appear to have been created with Digital Ad Campaigns in mind, not financial metrics) if there’s interest. Thanks!
Hey @miles.liscum! I have not expanded on this template beyond what it has as so far it is all that I seem to need. I used it prior to this for showing mixpanel data and user data as a dashboard / report, but we stopped using it for this as we didn’t need it anymore. I am not sure what you are asking, but please let me know how I can help.
Not officially endorsing this, but we did have someone share this with us that they built for use with Tiller Money - it’s an extra one time $59. Tiller Money is not at all affiliated with this product, service, platform or the developer, and we make no warranties or guarantees about its use, functionality, security, or privacy.
I also have no clue how to use, set it up, or support it so you’d need to reach out directly to the developer on that, which as far as I’m aware is not a part of this community.
Sorry, I didn’t do a great job of framing my question. I don’t have any specific need (but thank you), I was just generally trying to gauge if others were using Data Studio. Thanks!
I, personally, have some experience with Data Studio, but the extent of it can be seen with this template AND perhaps with a big from Google Big Query. I always say “I only know enough to know i’m not an expert in it”, and that is very true in this case as much as it is for anything technical i do.