Help with GROUP BY Query?

Hi there!

Apologies for a very newbie question, but I am just starting to explore the wonderful world of Google Query in my Tiller spreadsheet. I was attempting to use GROUP BY to sum the total value of transactions by Month, but I keep getting a #Value! error and I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Can anyone help?

Here’s the formula I’m using:
=query(Transactions!A1:U9172, “SELECT Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5, Col6, Col12, sum(Col7) WHERE Col7 is not null GROUP BY Col12”,-1)


  • Transactions!A1:U9172 = my transactions database (will need to make this reference dynamic later)
  • Col2 = Date
  • Col3 = Description
  • Col4 = Category
  • Col5 = Group
  • Col6 = Tags
  • Col12 = Month
  • Col7 = Amount

I’ve been through an bunch of online YouTube videos at this point and can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I can filter using WHERE for Col12 = date ‘2025-01-01’ but if I try to SUM(Col7) I get the #Value! error. What am I doing wrong with SUM? Any help would be deeply deeply appreciated!


QUERY is indeed a powerful function :slight_smile:

Try changing your SELECT to:
SELECT Col12, sum(Col7)

Once you aggregate and group by Month, the other non-aggregated columns cannot be displayed.

I believe your QUERY result will be a monthly cashflow type value, assuming transfers within the month all cancel to zero. If you want monthly expenses, then consider adding a Category Type to your Transactions sheet to filter by.

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Hi Mark! Thanks so much for your help! The extra Col in SELECT were exactly the problem!! : ) It’s working now!! Yay!!!


Good to hear and happy exploring :slight_smile:

You might also consider something like GROUP BY Category PIVOT Month :thinking:

Look what I made! : ) (It’s total spend by category per month across the last 3 years.) I’m a bit limited by the inability of Google Sheets to make very complex graphs but I’m pretty proud of myself. Thank you so much for your help with the Query function!


Pretty chart - you’re quickly becoming a pro :+1: