How can you reflect previously saved money (prior to tiller) in your savings budget?

How can I reflect previously saved money in specific categories?

Also, can you clarify the difference in what I see in the savings budget when I sort by savings or when I sort by category?


You can setup a previously saved amount in the Savings Budget Journal sheet. See the Savings Budget page instructions for doing this.

Savings sort means you’re going to see anything with a Savings budget from highest to lowest (I think it’s that order, don’t have it in front of me).

Category sort means you’ll just see your Savings budget groups and categories organized in alphabetical order.


Thanks, I added a transaction to the budget journal and it is reflected now in my savings budget sheet!

I still don’t understand the difference between the savings sort and the category sort. Can you clarify more?


Hi @kimberleync Kim,

Sorting by category shows your Savings budget sorted based on your categories from your category sheet. Sorting by Savings shows the Savings Budget sheet sorted by the savings amounts in the Saving Budget sheet. You will see the entries sorted by the largest savings at the top.

Take a look at the video on the Savings Budget page Matt linked. At approximately the 11:30 time mark the video shows how and why Savings changes are made. At the 15:42 time mark the video shows the two sort options and you can see the difference between sorting by Category or Savings.

I hope this helps explain the option.

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