So how do I change the google account I signed up with in Tiller? I just started the free trial yesterday but I had to create an account. I did not know when I signed up that when I went to install the add-on I had to use my google default account. I do not want to make the google account that I used to sign up for Tiller my new google default account. I have tried with no success to get the add-on installed with my current Tiller google account. I think y’all should explain in the beginning when we are signing up that we need to use our google default account for our Tiller account otherwise we will have problems with adding the add-ons and possibly other problems also.
Also, I am having the worse time asking a question and/or adding a topic the community. I am on my ipad pro 11” and nothing is working.
I put in the space for a new topic my question. I get the possible related topics but they aren’t helpful. So it says I can then add the new topic. But no matter what I click on or what I enter, no new topic gets added. I am so very frustrated with the community in not being able to ask any questions or add any topics. This is very un-userfriendly. I could only ask a question as a reply here in this thread.
Also, is there a way to have the results for topics and replies to questions be sorted by most recent? So far all the results for topics are over 2 years old. Please help me!!!
May I also ask about the security of having all my financial accounts, transactions, etc., on a browser using Tiller and google sheets? Browsers aren’t secure unless you use the private incognito tab. I was able to link my bank accounts which includes a credit card, and another separate credit card to my Tiller account. It scares me that if all my financial info is open for me to see, couldn’t someone else be able to see it?
I’m sorry this is so long. I’m just very frustrated and also I really want to start using Tiller for my budgeting. Thanks so much!!!