How to Email daily budget

I was trying to find in the community how to email myself and wife daily on the Month Budget status, balances, etc.
I have found some things but no much info on how to do it and then I saw something about a daily digest, but I could not find out much on, “how to…”.
Any help would be appreciated on how to set this daily email up if possible?

There is a mostly easy way to do this, but it’s not a Tiller internal mechanism.
What you can do is use Google Data Studio and have that sent out on a schedule.
For example, I use the Tiller Bill Planner template and I have Google send me a weekly list of my bills for the week. One thing though is that the Budget sheet (as presented) won’t necessarily be in a nice format for data, so you might want to create a sheet just with the raw numbers and then have Data Studio put it in a nice format.

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After messing around with this I think I found a good way to do this, Go to Extensions, Add ons, and get/install Google Email Spreadsheet.

From there you just need to activate the add-on for the Tiller spreadsheet(s). If you go back into Extensions, Add-Ons, View Documents Addons you should see it.

If you see the "Email Spreadsheet Add-On then click on “use”. From there you can decide on who to email the spreadsheet to, how many days per week, and what time of day.

I might have some of these steps a little out of sync but I hope it works for you…

does this tool continue to work for you? I read some reviews that were all over, and I’m also concerned about data safety with it… Any thoughts?

Yes, it still works for me, I mainly set it up to hopefully keep my wife on track but unfortunately it was wishful thinking.