Mobile App Creation Tutorial with Google AppSheet

Inspired by the Mobile App for Tiller with AppSheet posting, I have created a series of tutorials to get you started on creating your own Mobile app for your Google Sheets Tiller data. If interested, check out Create an AppSheet Budget Tool - A tutorial that builds a budget tool with Google AppSheet.


You’re a hero of the people. I’d been putting off dealing with AppSheet for nearly a week, and lo and behold I come back to THIS!

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Sweet! I’ve been meaning to try this when I have some time, but I’ve been daunted by the potential complexity. I’ll follow your tutorial and give it a go! Probably with a dummy sheet first to test my capabilities. :slight_smile: Thank you

Thank you for doing this I have tried several times to get started with no luck. Very very appreciated!

Any idea on what to do if you are using excel?

Hey @mandpeklund - I just want to thank you! I did a bunch of tinkering this weekend by starting with your Medium post, and it works! I now have an app I’ve shared with my wife (by app, I really mean a bookmarked mobile website using appsheet), and we can both see all transactions, a summary sheet with this month’s transaction totals by group (I like having my categories in budget groups) that you can drill into to see totals for each category and individual transactions, and another sheet to show all uncategorized transactions. It’s working well, and it’s way better than using the google sheets app on my iphone, which crashes with tiller.

BTW, I also learned that I can take one tab from my tiller spreadsheet and publish it to the web as a live, read-only budget summary. I’m using a copy of the Monthly Budget sheet from the foundation template, optimized for mobile viewing, with the month selector changed to always show the current month. Nice for viewing totals compared to budget and what remains.

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@stevation, Sadly, I don’t have any idea about how to do this with Excel.

I have updated Tutorial 6’s bonus to contain instructions on how to be compatible with the existing appsheet split.

I had bookmarked this for a long time and finally got around to doing it. Thanks very much, @mandpeklund this was a huge help! And hopefully gets me started making lots of useful apps using Appsheet.

You are welcome @Mitch

Hello @mandpeklund - Thank you. Mobile categorization would be perfect.

When I try to create an appsheet in a (copy of my) Tiller Foundation spreadsheet using extensions, I get the following error: “The AppSheet account you’re using doesn’t have edit access to the data source”. I have confirmed that the appsheet account and the Foundations sheet owner are the same account. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks.

Hi @ninneman , I set up appsheet and wrote this tutorial almost a year ago, so it is possible something has changed or I missed a step in the tutorial. There is a step where you need to authorize AppSheet to have access to your Google docs. Once that is done, you will see AppSheet listed in . Is AppSheet listed there?

@ninneman , When you first logged into AppSheet, at Login - AppSheet , it gave you several login options. I chose “Google”, and it offered the authorization page. If you used another account that is associated with the same email, it may not work.

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Thanks for your quick response. I know it was not a new tutorial, but it’s still the only one of its kind.

App Sheet does have access per the connections link. Yes, I logged in with Google. Thanks for sharing the connections link. Helpful in general. (on second thought, maybe I don’t want App Sheet to be able to delete all my google files). Cheers.