How your money affects our planet

Originally published at: How your money affects our planet - reflections on Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! :earth_americas: Back before I transitioned to full time with Tiller I ran a small consulting business. Two of my most fun projects for a couple years focused on organizing two festivals. An Earth Day celebration, the Charlottesville Earth Week Eco Fair and the Charlottesville Vegetarian (now Vegan) Festival in Charlottesville, Virginia. All that to say, I have an immense passion for doing my part, and helping others learn how to be a better environmental steward. My decision to stop organizing the festivals and focus entirely on Tiller was twofold. I feel so driven by my work at Tiller. I know, wholeheartedly, it’s my purpose in life right now. Helping people understand their money is one of the greatest gifts I can give others because I know what it’s like to be financially insecure. At our core we want to help people easily understand their money in a flexible and customizable way so they can move confidently in the direction of their dreams. Secondly, there is an incredibly strong tie between money and the fate of our planet.  Let’s do a quick mental exercise.  You walk into the grocery store and head to the produce section. How do…