I am looking for help with setting up my spreadsheets

I am looking to hire someone to help me with the initial set of my spreadsheets. Would anyone be interested in helping? I would love to chat with you more about this.

@Enoch I’d recommend joining our Weekly Foundations Webinar if you need help getting your sheets set up.

I flagged the previous poster’s reply as spam because this person just joined the community and we don’t have that email address in our system as a Tiller customer. I’m happy to validate this person as a true “experienced Tiller freelance” if they can send me a DM with the email address used for Tiller.

Hello Heather! Thank you so much for getting back to me. I appreciate the Weekly Foundations Webinar recommendation.

How would you recommend reaching out to him so that he would be able to verify his identity? Would that be a direct response in this thread?

Hello @Andrew4 ! Thank you for your response and willingness to help. Is there a way that you would be able to verify your Tiller email with @heather from HQ? After that, I would like to speak with you more about helping me with this. Thank you in advance.

He needs to direct message me with the email address he uses for Tiller.