For my monthly expense tracking, at the end of each month I’d like to summarize Spending by Category for two different sets of accounts i.e. spending by category for two different people who each have their own set of accounts.
I am currently doing this manually by sorting my Transactions and pulling sums and copying into another worksheet.
My ultimate goal is to summarize & track Monthly Budgets & Actuals each month for two groups of Accounts. Most of the tools allow summarizing for a singular Account.
Does anyone else have a similar need or a trick to get to a solution?
This isnt something I have done, but I would imagine you should be able to do this with pivot tables and filter only the accounts you would like to have it show for with the results a summed version of each category.
Are you familiar with how that would work and if that would solve your problem?
I’m not real comfortable with pivot tables but am playing with the Account and Category Report with Tags and think that may shortcut my process unless someone has an automation idea to choose multiple accounts in a drop down! Thanks.
No worries, if you feel up to it, they’re really versatile, Ben Collins has a course that explains them pretty good and how to insert them into your workbook.