Moving from Mvelopes

To all mvelopes refugees out there, Rich Scott’s Ultimate Envelopes template for Tiller is the way to go! After 14 years of using mvelopes very seriously for both personal and business, I was really concerned about what we might do going forward. Though I had a bit of a love-hate relationship with mvelopes, it still served our purposes pretty well. I looked at YNAB (struck me as too complex and somehow still not enough functionality) and EveryDollar (far too simple with even less functionality). UE is the way to go. I’m now finding it even easier and faster to use than mvelopes ever was. If you like spreadsheets, Rich has truly created the Ultimate spreadsheet budgeting universe. He’s also very happy to help, as you can see from this thread.


Thanks for this feedback and recommendation @JustinPatagonia ! And thanks @richl for building an awesome solution and being super responsive and helpful to your users.