Hi all, I’m looking at a streamgraph style plot for net worth, see this plot for a random example of a streamgraph:
The net worth streamgraph would have time on the horizontal axis and show total net worth along with the various accounts that sum up to it, each in its own color.
I’d love to see this. The easily available detailed net worth graphs are the only thing I’m missing in Tiller compared to other options. The current one showing 12 periods is so coarse.
Hi @andrei, your net-worth over time chart is awesome! Thanks for sharing it!
I’m wondering if it can be made to support another feature that I would like, but unfortunately, I am a complete ignoramus about spreadsheet programming, myself.
I have a modified version of the Balances sheet that lets me apply an adjustment factor to each account. E.g., I share a trust account with my brother, so I multiply that by 0.5. Also, I multiply my retirement accounts by 0.65 (other than my Roth IRA) to account for the fact that I’m going to have to pay a lot of taxes on the money that is in a retirement account when I withdraw it.
The implementation for this was provided in this thread:
Integration between these two excellent mods would be awesome! But even if I could add the same sort of adjustment factors directly into your chart, that would also be great.
Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. And thanks again for the awesome chart feature that you have shared!
Thanks for posting. I took a look at the other thread and looks like @KyleT is true to form. If there’s anything else that doesn’t work out, please write back. (In that case a pared-down copy of your sheet would be very helpful.)
Hi, @andrei, with @KyleT’s help I was able to get the old-school Net Worth plot working with adjustment factors. But it would be even cooler if I could get yours working with adjustment factors.
What I have working for the original Net Worth chart, picks up the adjustment factors from KyleT’s mods to the Balances sheet. How to get all of this working is documented in the other thread.
But I wouldn’t mind just duplicating the adjustment factors into your sheet if that makes it significantly easier to implement. It’s not as if I have a thousand accounts to adjust.
In any case, thanks again for the lovely chart feature you’ve provided! In addition to the nice stacked chart, it seems like it can also handle a chart that covers multiple years, not just a single year, like the more basic one.
Going forward, I’d love to track my net worth over time for all of time.
Thanks for this! I noticed a slight bug – the “TOTAL” field in the table at the bottom includes the date in the sum.
I couldn’t figure out why that “TOTAL” field never matched the chart (which I adjusted the settings to include the column total), or the net worth on the Balances page. Turns out it was off by today’s date. For example, January 26, 2025 is 45683 in Excel/Sheets, and that TOTAL field was $45,683 higher than my reported Net Worth.
Fix is easy: just update cell A7 to have the byrow(…) start with C7 instead of B7.