Pull tags from categories tab into the transactions sheet

I am looking to have the Tag that is associated with a given Category (from the Categories sheet) put onto the transactions sheet.

I found this link which shows how to pull the Group from the Categories tab onto the transactions and that’s exactly what I want, however, I want the TAGS. Are there any Excel gurus out there who can help modify this code to do what I want?

FWIW, the TAGS are in column D on the Categories sheet.


You posted this question under Google Sheets, but referenced “Excel” … I’m assuming you’re looking for the Google Sheets formula.

For Google Sheets:

={"Category Tags";ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(XLOOKUP(INDIRECT("D2:D"),INDIRECT("Categories!A2:A"),INDIRECT("Categories!D2:D"))))}

Transactions sheet column D is Category
Categories sheet column A is Category
Categories sheet column D is Tags


This is great. TY

And yes, I meant Google Sheets. My apologies for posting in the wrong place.

Thanks for taking the time to help with this @Mark.S , definitely handy

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