Has anyone received this warning from Excel? Should I be starting a new file for each year to avoid this? I just switched over to google sheets, but it’s way less responsive than Excel, I’d like to keep using Excel.
@SnowBound You might try the solution in the following Microsoft post:
Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas
A variation of that link seems to solve it. Looks like they just pushed another update. All is well now. Weird, thanks for the link though!
Thanks @Clint.C ! Indeed @SnowBound there have been a few Microsoft Excel updates recently that have caused issues with using Tiller-powered spreadsheets. Glad it’s resolved for you now!
I was out of town for two weeks. I am now getting “Excel ran out of resources” in my sheet. I made no changes to my sheet, which was working fine. I see there were some Microsoft updates while I was gone. Is anyone else experiencing any issues?
@buzzmaster1 I’m not currently seeing this error but I know it’s not out of the ordinary to see such crop up around updates. Sometimes a subsequent update push will resolve it but you can also try to downgrade to see if that helps!