Splitting transactions by percentages in autocat

I searched but could not find anything specifically related to this question.

Is it possible to set up Autocat to split certain transactions into two or more categories using percentages?

Transaction: Amazon purchase = $239.47.
Transaction Split:
65% food
20% household
15% merchandise

Reports: Expenses Reported:
65% food = $155.65
20% household = $47.89
15% merchandise = $35.93

If this is possible how is it done?
If it is not feasible to do this using Autocat, is there another way to accomplish this?

No, AutoCat cannot split transactions.
Split transaction can split by amount, but not percentages.

Okay. Thanks for the quick response.

Hi @ronhadsall - Though AutoCat can’t perform the split automatically, if you wanted an alternative to the built-in Split Transaction tool where it would generate the splits automatically based on your defined percentages, I could envision this as a small utility sheet beside your transactions sheet. For example, if you marked a transaction, let’s say with an “x” in column A, the splitter sheet in the next tab could pick up that transaction and create the splits in some rows in that separate sheet quickly and automatically. Then via a manual process you would insert the desired number of new rows in the transaction sheet and paste the split results from the separate utility sheet back into the Transactions sheet. It probably depends how often you use it whether it would save some time and be worth the set-up. I was thinking of doing something like this anyway and could probably mark something up if you wanted any help. If you were needing to do this very frequently, and if you are using Google Sheets, an even more advanced idea might be to create an apps script that would perform the splits according to some rules (maybe with Autocat marking the transactions to be split).

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Thank you for your quick response. My idea was that whenever I filled my Transactions sheet I could run autocat and it would automatically calculate the defined proportions. However, after thinking about it I realize that may not be feasible. Your idea sounds like it could be workable.

But you gave me another idea. Could a macro be made to run on a given line item that would do the work that I would otherwise have to do manually? That would speed up an otherwise tedious process. How do you think something like this would work?

Are you using Tiller with Excel or Google Sheets? In either case, one thought is to create an Advanced Rule in Autocat to have it set a flag on the transactions that you would like to be impacted by a subsequent macro/script. Alternatively you could set one or more by hand. Then you could trigger the macro/script with a menu command. It would look for the flag and perform a split action on those rows according to the rules that you want. I haven’t experimented with it, but it should be possible. Perhaps I’ll take a look into it, let me know if it sounds interesting/compatible with what you’re trying to achieve.

I am using Google sheets although I prefer Excel. Your suggesting sounds like it might be feasible. I am not a very high tech person. Ideally a process where I could flag one or more rows somehow, and then execute a macro or some kind of script that would Process each line item according to my rules.

Yes I think this is feasible, and it will likely just become a question of how convenient and usable it might be based upon your use case. I have a working script that I can share for Google Sheets, but before I include it, I thought maybe I’d just explain the concept, and then I can finish testing it out a bit more and pass it along in the next post. I can also spend a little more time to describe how to add the script/macro if you haven’t done so in Google Sheets before. What I did to test was to make a copy of the first 30 rows of the Transactions sheet and run it in a separate test tab first to prove it out before touching the prime data.

The concept is:

In Column A which is a blank column in my Transactions sheet, I’m defining a split flag that directly embeds the split percentages and categories. Your example would look like:


This flag could be entered manually, or it could be set by AutoCat.

You might be thinking that it’s going to take just as long to type out the embedded instructions as to just manually do the split, but that’s where I think either utilizing AutoCat to set the flag or perhaps having preset entries as a cell validation (select from a dropdown) might save time. Or if there is one or a few dominant use cases, then those instructions could be hardcoded directly into the script and the flag could be replaced with just a single character.

Once the flag is set, you’d simply go to the menu path “Extensions–>Macros” and select the “Splitter” macro that you’ll create (or initiate it using a keyboard shortcut associated with that macro).

The script/macro will find any rows with a flag, parse the split instructions embedded in the flag, and create the split rows with amounts and categories according to those instructions. I also have it making a back-up copy of the original row before deleting, but I wonder if that may just slow things down. Do you care to see that row anymore either (a) in another sheet as a back-up, or (b) in the Transactions sheet so that it could be manually deleted after verification of the split?

The script/macro as a final step marks the split rows as “split-Done”. The script also edits the transaction id to indicate it is a split. So ColA could just as easily be cleared altogether.

The script avoids collision with “Group” or “Type” columns that some users add which fill down automatically from the top and does not break these. However, if you had other custom columns that cascade down via a formula, the split rows would interfere until making a script edit. The script also ensures that the sum total of split rows matches the original Amount to the penny.

Let me know if it sounds like something to try out or if you have any other thoughts and I can follow-up with another post.

@KyleT Hi Kyle,

Just an FYI:

What are your thoughts on the use of Column A in Sheets. Column A seems to be the first choice for community solutions because it is not used by Tiller. As an example, the popular Data Checker Tool uses Column A. Of course a user can always modify the locations of most solutions ourselves. I would guess there could also be potential issues picking another column way off to the right.

FWIW: My thought on this is it makes me think there should be some columns reserved out for community solutions and then eventual assigned to them once they grow widespread. This would help to prevent some of the issues I’ve read about where scripts or troubleshooting user issues come up due to column usage or placement.

Hi @Clint.C - I follow you, yes ColA is used by community solutions and individuals for various purposes. I use it for more than one flagging operation. It would vary from user to user whether it is viable. Since it is a temporary use, it works ok for me and I was mentioning it primarily in concept. Each user would need to determine if it’s the right location. When I post a further explanation, I planned to suggest that if you set the flag using AutoCat then it will make sense to just have a dedicated column for the flag which can be placed anywhere. I’ll point out how to adjust the script for that. The advanced rule from AutoCat will need a specific custom column anyway.

While I’m posting, I’ll also mention that the flag doesn’t have to have categories. For someone that just wants a percentage split, it can be made to inherit the original category or else leave the categories blank.

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I don’t think this is entirely correct.

I just tried the saved splits part of the split feature and you can use percentages. I’m not sure if this is new since the re-tooling but it isn’t documented in the saved splits documentation but it seems to work.

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Maybe it’s better to not include it in AutoCat. It might be simpler to create a macro/script that I could activate manually after I have filled the transaction sheet from my bank. It would be ideal if the macro rules were written in such a way that I could add or change the categories and the percentages it would apply. My thought is this as an example using these four categories: Food, Hshld, Merch, Supplements:

  1. I download data from my bank.

  2. The data contains one or more line items from Amazon.

  3. I manually select an Amazon line item I want to split into four categories. This could be by highlighting the entire row or by inserting an X in column A.

  4. I somehow execute the macro by clicking a button, or menu dropdown, or some other appropriate way . (I am not a high tech person)

  5. The macro creates four blank rows just below the original row.

  6. Macro copies the original row’s data into the four blank rows

  7. The macro enters the four categories defined in the rules, one category for each row.

  8. Macro calculates the amount of dollars for each category according to the rules making sure all four amounts add up to the total in the original row.

  9. Macro then deletes the original row.

  10. I should now have four rows with appropriate categories and correctly calculated amounts according to the percentages defined in the rules.

I hope this makes sense. I don’t know how complex this idea might be but it sure would be handy to be able to apply it to give me a least a close estimate as to what I am spending in each category.

I appreciate any help you can offer.

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That’s pretty much exactly what the split transaction feature does and adding in the saved splits sheet you could set up those percentages like you describe and be able to adjust them anytime on the saved splits sheet.

You would just select the saved split that you set up and it would automatically split it according to the percentages you set.


Wow! I wasn’t aware that it existed. I will give it a try. Thanks.

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Good call @bentyre1 :+1:

I was just playing around with it and oddly it pre-filled $3.59, when an even 40/60% split would be simply $3.60. Rounding/precision doesn’t explain it, should just be 2.4/3.6 :thinking:

I didn’t try splitting it anyhow to see what happened with the unassigned penny.

And this part of the document didn’t seem to matter when I tried 40% and an empty amount :man_shrugging:

For any rows where the amount is left blank for a Saved Split, the split remainder will be applied evenly across rows with an empty Amount value with uneven cents remainders being applied to the first row with a blank Amount value.


I’m not sure if it’s been updated but in my past experience with the splitter since the update it would change the net amount by that remainder but i believe heather mentioned it now asking to pro rate in the new one as well. I just have been busy and haven’t had a chance to try that out. Transaction Splitter prorate feature not working - #22 by heather

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Thanks for the additional info. I went ahead and tested it and the prorate (selected Yes) didn’t seem to work for me. So now there are two problems :thinking:



Ahh yes, that’s what it did initially after the update was change the net amount.

Oh shoot. We tried to fix that random $0.01 issue but it looks like it’s still lingering in some cases. I’ll add that to the list

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