Taking 90+ seconds to manually add a transaction

The majority of my accounts are manual, so I have a lot of manual transactions to add to my Tiller sheet. This used to be pretty quick and painless, but it’s become unbearably slow lately. It literally takes over a minute and a half to add a single transaction.

Is this out of my control, or is there something about my spreadsheet that’s influencing how long this takes? Do I have too many conditional formatting rules on the Transactions sheet, or too many rows in the Transactions sheet or Balance History sheet? Too many other report sheets that are trying to update when the transaction is added that end up slowing the Tiller extension down from finishing?

I’ve read through this forum post (Tiller Sheet Performance - How many is too many transactions? - #18 by brasten), but I’m not really having performance issues with filling data from automated accounts or running my reports. It’s just this one thing that seems to be taking forever.

Any advice for things to look at would be great. Thanks!

Well, I guess I just answered my own question - I deleted 5 or 6 report sheets I don’t use and turned off the others so they don’t auto-recalculate when a new transaction is added, and cut down the time to add a manual transaction to 15 seconds.

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whoa good to know :sweat: thanks for following up!