Welcome to our community’s newest superhero, @MarcC! As a first-time superhero, Marc has earned a free year of Tiller, a Tiller t-shirt or hat, and entry into our Beta group.
Shoutout to our April Super Heroes:
@jpfieber - 15 months!!!
- @susandennis - 8 months
- @yossiea, @richl and @bentyre1 - 4 months
- @fehegner - 1 month
- @MarcC - welcome!
With the arrival of April, @jpfieber extends his streak as the longest-serving superhero to 15 months, earning yet another $50 gift certificate via the Super Hero Rewards program. Thanks for your many contributions, Joseph!
Congratulations to the community’s newest “Champion” members, @kingsdotter, @al1 and @J.D.
Tax season is here. Enjoy April.