Waterfall template question

I have a question about the Waterfall template from Tiller Community Solutions.

When I install into my Google Sheets, I get an “add series” message. I’m not reading anywhere how to address this? When I expand the columns, I do notice an error message under the staged category and group data columns - the query came up empty.


  1. List item

Hi @Aubiemoney, I had the same thing. Finally tracked it down to not having ANY categories that were being hidden from reports. I picked a category that I wasn’t using, flagged it as “Hide from Reports” on the Categories tab, and the Waterfall started working. Hope that helps!

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Thanks for the solve, @alan.heatherley. Did this work for you, @Aubiemoney?

That worked! Thanks so much Alan! Really appreciate it!

Yes indeed. Thx Randy

Excellent solution! It worked

I’m having the same issue, and I have categories hidden from reports already.