What is the best way to trial run the amazon order history csv import workflow?

what is the best way to trial run the amazon order history csv import workflow. should i make a copy of my foundation sheet and run it?

My understanding is that it will take something like

and automatically match the actual order (items) description to the row. Which columns does it replace? And - does it matter if i already categorized amazon in its own category and group? for example in the example above, I have a category called Pers - Amazon and a group called Personal Spending.

I am really novice with spreadsheets and am always worried about messing up my hard work.

Thank you!

I think making a copy of your Tiller spreadsheet and running the workflow in the copy could be a good way to test things. You would not need to link the copied spreadsheet since there is no linking or authentication to use Tiller Community Solutions workflows.

Sorry for the slow response, @joek.

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