On the tags report, how do I show the “Full Description” (Col D) instead of the “Description” (Col C)?
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Thank you. I was able to “unhide” Col. “N.” It’s entitled, “Account ID.” Cell N6 has numbers that appear to reference a single transaction (payment for a carwash). I apologize. I am new at this and cannot find a way to execute Step #2. I cannot find how to make the required change of Description to Full Description. Thank you in advance. Stan
I peeked at this, @stan, and @cculber2’s instructions worked for me. Is it possible you have an old version of the Tags Report template? Can you open the Tiller Community Solutions Add-on and use the manage solutions workflow to update or restore the version in your spreadsheet?
Or is it possible you are using a different tags template than the one called Tags Report?