American Express Personal Savings Transactions in Tiller

Tiller has already looked into this and done what it can (seems to be a vendor issue), so nothing more that can be done likely, but am curious if anyone else in the community has been having an issue with transactions for AMEX High Yield Savings accounts no longer coming into Sheets or Excel. This has been occurring for me since AMEX discontinued support for the American Express Personal Savings view in the Tiller console and rolled it into the AMEX credit card view. Balances are updating, but no transactions since the change despite attempts at re-authenticating, which means I have to do it manually (not terrible but unfortunate). Thanks


Yes I have the same issue. Haven’t been able to access the account in more than a month. Thankfully I don’t have but a couple of transactions a month with them so manually is not too bad.

Thanks - was having a hard time figuring out if the transactions thing was just my account. If it’s systemic, then maybe a fix will come eventually.

My Amex connection for just credit cards stopped working today. I think there may just be some bumps with the open banking migration so far.

Misery loves company! Thanks for confirming seems to be a broader issue.

My credit card and savings both updated fine today.

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Yodlee also hates my AmEx business checking account. It’s created as a separate account in my console from my business credit card, which says it hasn’t refreshed in a year, but my checking actually updates when I refresh my credit card account.

I’m also checking in with our technical account manager about your specific case @Kyle_C - since Amex is a newer open banking site and they just transitioned those savings accounts I’m hoping Yodlee still has an open and responsive communication channel with Amex’s teams. Without that these types of issues remain “blocked” for quite a long time.

Thanks @heather! It’s so weird. I feel bad if this is only affecting me for some reason, but appreciate the looking into it.

No worries! I’m sure you’re not the only one. We’ll report back in the ticket you originally opened via chat if we get an update.