Category Rollup report is blank

When I run the Category rollup report, no data is getting retrieved. Here are the default parameters I see when trying to run it.

Please note that when I click on the “filter on category tag” drop-down, there are no options even though I use tags all the time. Not sure if that might be the issue? I’ve chosen the whole 2021 year and there are about 3,000 transactions available.

Any direction is appreciated.



Are your tags in the Transactions sheet or the Categories sheet. This dropdown is specific to tags in the Categories sheet.

What happens after you click “generate report” or whatever the button says?


Hi Heather,

My Tags are in the Transactions sheet. (I’m still a bit puzzled why tags are used in the Categories sheet - seems redundant to me - but I’m likely misunderstanding.)

Anyhow, it seems like Tag filtering wouldn’t apply for my use case but still not sure why the report is blank. The steps I’m following are:

  1. Extensions
  2. Tiller Community Solutions
  3. Reports
  4. Category rollup report
  5. Click Create Report button

The resultant sheet that is created has headers, columns…but no data.

I was just trying to get this to work again - a year later! Still getting a sheet with no data every time I try to run it. Interestingly, same thing for the Categories Report and the Profits and Loss Report. Any thoughts on how to resolve are appreciated. Thanks

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@davidmark - my guess is that there is a misspelled or missing header in the Transactions sheet or Categories sheets or one of the tabs got renamed? Can you double check those please?

Thanks Heather. I’ve looked at the headers on both my Transactions and Categories sheets and compared to a fresh Tiller Foundation Template. They both have the same spelling for headers and the tab names are the same as well. I even compared each header on my sheet to a fresh template using the Exact function.

I did notice that my template was missing the Account ID column so I added it back. Not sure how I lost it.

Are there other sheets that I’d need to investigate as the report is still coming up blank for me.


The lack of an Account Id column is likely the issue. If you re-add the column header, data will fill for new transactions but will not repopulate for existing rows.

Can you confirm that the Account Id column is filling for new transactions? Is it possible that, now that the column has been in place for a few days, you get some data on the report if you run it in the current period (i.e. with the newest transactions)?

I tried running it now that there are transactions with an Account ID on them but still blank. I even tried adding the Account ID to historical transactions. I just get a message saying there are no transactions for the selected filters. Here’s what my settings look like.

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Could you try changing the date format? Here is what mine looks like.
(You could probably click on that calendar icon or the preset dropdown and see it populate the way the sidebar prefers.)


Thanks Randy. I changed my Windows date format so that it mirrors what you have but still no results.

Hi @davidmark - the last ditch effort here is to try deleting the “template” for the CRP. It’s a hidden sheet and will say something like “Category Rollup Report Template” - if you delete that sheet and then re-run the Category Rollup report does that make a difference. It should re-install it.

I’d also recommend making sure you’re using Currency format on your Amount column - rather than accounting format or something like that and make sure your date column is mm/dd/yyyy

If that doesn’t work let me know and I’ll reach out via our support channel to see if we can figure out what’s wrong. I still suspect it’s some data format issue with the Categories sheet or Transactions sheet.

Thanks Heather! I had deleted the hidden sheet and do have the Amount column in curency format but my date colum was mm-dd-yyyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy I don’t recall ever having changed that but when I changed it to mm/dd/yyyy, it worked!

Appreciate you following this through until resolved. Sincerely appreciated.

On a separate but related point, it would be really nice to be able to have the date column in something other than mm/dd/yyyy format which is pretty much an exclusively American format. As dates are stored as integers, I don’t really understand why Tiller needs them in the mm/dd/yyyy format. I’ve gotten around the limitation by adding a column where I reference the Date column and then display in my preferred format. Not a big deal but would be nice.

Thanks again!

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Thank you. I had changed my date format but was able to self-resolve with the help of this.