Use our two category rollup reports to get a detailed, transaction-by-transaction view of your finances for a selected time period organized by type, group, and category— available in two report types:
- Category Rollup - use for line-item detail grouped by category across a specified period
- Budget Period Rollup - use for reporting against a Tiller-Money budget at the end of a month
Category Rollup and Budget Period Rollup reports present static views of your data. If you make changes to the transactions sheet (like recategorizing transactions or adding in manual transactions) after the report has already been generated, the report will not automatically update with those changes. You will need to re-generate the report from the Tiller Community Solutions add-on to update the report data.
Both reports organize your financial data based on the configuration settings you chose and then by type (income, expense, or transfer), group, category, and then the transaction details including date, description, amount, and note.
The Report Type dropdown (and Budget Period Rollup option) are only available if your spreadsheet includes a properly configured Tiller-Money budget driven off the Categories sheet. It is does not report on envelope budgeting spreadsheets.
Category Rollup report
Choose a period and quickly create a list of charges within that period organized by type, group, and category. The Category Rollup report is also great for itemized deduction reporting during tax time.
How to generate a Category Rollup report
- Launch or install the Tiller Community Solutions add-on
- Click on the “Tools” tab
- Choose “Create reports”
- Choose “Category Rollup Report”
- Choose “Category rollup” in the “Report Type” dropdown
- Configure the report for your needs
- Click Create Report
How to Configure the Category Rollup report
Choose which transaction details should be included in the report based on the settings the report offers.
- Include Hide from Reports categories: This option will include transaction details for any categories that are marked as “Hide” in the “Hide from reports” column on the Categories sheet.
- Include uncategorized transactions: This option will include transaction details for any transactions that are uncategorized on the Transactions sheet and group them under an “Uncategorized” heading at the top.
- Filter on tags: This option will include only transaction details for categories that are tagged as with the selected tag based on the “Tags” column on the Categories sheet. (Dropdown visible when there is a
column in theCategories
sheet and one or more categories have been assigned tags.)
Time Period
Use the Period Preset drop down option under Time Period to choose a time period for which the report should pull transaction data. Use the start and end date fields to customize the date range to your liking.
Budget Period Rollup report
The Budget Period Rollup report, a variant of the Category Rollup Report, to run atop the Tiller Money Monthly- and Yearly-Budget templates. This report integrates the category-rollup report more tightly with your budget configuration in the Categories sheet by:
- Showing only past & current periods configured in your Categories sheet
- Reporting on on category budgets along side each category (with formula-driven rollups for groups and types)
- Including conditional formatting for favorable & unfavorable categories
- Including row grouping to better manage large data sets
- Displaying a header row with budgeted, actual and net cashflow
How to generate a Budget Period Rollup report
- Launch or install the Tiller Community Solutions add-on
- Click on the “Tools” tab
- Choose “Create reports”
- Choose “Category Rollup Report”
- Choose “Budget period rollup” in the “Report Type” dropdown
- Configure the report for your needs
- Click Create Report
How to Configure the Budget Period Rollup report
The Budget Period Rollup report offers a few simple configuration options:
- Budget Period: This dropdown shows past/completed budget periods (from your Categories sheet) up through the current month.
- Sort By: You can choose to sort transaction line-items within each category by Amount, Date, Description or Note.
If you have a question or need help first search the community to see if someone has already asked and if not click here to quickly post a question about this template in the Google Sheets category.
Be sure to customize the title of your post with keywords about the issue or question so others can easily find the Q&A in search.