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Paying off some debt and saving for an RV.

Finalize my side hustle Money Mindset course to get started with passive income!

I want to switch my mortgage provider, get a bank loan, and refurnish my money routes to pay off my debts to CRA.

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Pay down credit card debt.

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Using last years actuals to build this years budget and keeping a closer eye on it. I left my day job to explore self-employment so keeping an eye on spending and income will be key.

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My partner and I are scheduling monthly pizza & budgeting meetings to keep on track of savings and make sure we aren’t overspending. Hoping to build towards a house and a future of lots of travel, friends and good food!

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My biggest money goal this year is to put more into savings, so I can make improvements to my house.

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With a year of Tiller under my belt to manage the household, I’m rejigging the budget to reflect actual spending… which is lovely and all but what I’m REALLY excited about is having an easy way to summarize all our spending for our small corporation. Tracking taxes and auto categorizing will streamline tax time!

I want to put enough in the bank to buy a car for when my old truck finally gives out.

I look forward using Tiller to help achieve my goal of understanding where my money is going better! It has been very helpful so far and I’ve only been here about a month.

Thanks to the Tiller solution over the past few years I have been able to eliminate the frivolous expenditures and now maintain a 40/30/30 budget. 40% to Needs, 30% to Wants & 30% to Savings.

My goal is to pay off my debt ( almost done with that) , buy my own house and start investing more in Crypto and other disruptive technologies.

We want to retire in 8 years (58/56). Aggressive saving takes close attention to spending! Tiller helps keep us focused.

We would like to cut restaurant spending and eat healthier. The money saved would help pay off our house faster.

this year my goal is to have zero dollars spent for energy., Be it electricty, Gas or car. I have a 5Kw solar system here in sydney. electricty and gas bills were zero couple of years. but the feed in taris were cut shot as there was huge supply of PV elctric output onto the grid. now i get about 500$ / 3 month average. and car costs 100$/month on petrol and hefty 3500$/year/car on insurence’s and registration. So the total costs on energy usuage comes to 2000+4700=6700 …say 7000$aud / year. I have two cars. i want to get rid of one car and rely on my bicycle. if at all i can make it zero that would be really awesome. its not impossible. One car has to go and probabily i would invest on a safe battery technology that can be installed in the outhouse (firesafety is no 1 priority). so this is my goal. i will accomplish it this year.

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Maximizing contributions to our ROTH IRAs while we’re still young(ish) enough to have time on our side!

My husband and I want to buy a house this year!

my money goal is pay off credit cards and buy a home this year or early of January next year. WOO!

There are a couple of goals. First is to get entirely off of Quicken while continuing to monitor finances in detail. Second, is to get more control of extraneous spending so these funds can be targeted for travel and third, is to control unneeded spending so more funds can be diverted to capital retirement accounts.

My goal is to pay for grad school out of pocket without going into negative cashflow.